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Support Our Troops & Their Families This Holiday

The Sears Heroes at Home Wish Registry is an organization where you can give back to our troops, our veterans, and their families . . . 30,583 families to be exact. It's pretty simple, Sears is asking you to donate any amount of money to go towards funding Sears gift cards. These gift cards will be distributed to military families who have been identified as ones who could use a little help this holiday.

These families have expressed a need for certain items. These items may surprise you. They are not asking for blu-ray disc players, but rather basic essentials. The number one item these families need are shoes for their children. You and I know how much just one pair of shoes costs. The rest of the top ten items on the list are all clothing items for children, like coats, pajamas, and school clothes.

This time of year makes me think most often about our troops who are stationed so far away from home. It must be tough all year round, but I can only imagine that the holidays are the toughest. On top of the stress of being so far away and the dangers of their jobs, it must be a huge concern for each military member about whether their families back home are okay. Supporting the Sears Heroes at Home Wish Registry will help to alleviate some of that stress. With the important job of fighting for our freedom on their shoulders, our troops should not have to worry about whether their children have shoes to wear to school.

Making a donation is easy. Just go to the Sears website and enter the amount you would like to donate in the box. Then you can add the donation to your shopping cart and check out just like you normally would. After you've made your contribution, go here to grab one of the badges above to help spread the word about the Sears Heroes at Home Wish Registry. Then post a message expressing thanks to our troops for all they are doing for us.
