We were all set to go trick-or-treating at a mall in a nearby town. We had a pirate (Jake), a devil (Makenzie), and a skeleton (Luke). Since Jake had a pirate hat on, Luke wanted to wear a hat too. So he sported his only dress-up hat . . . a little black cowboy hat.
The ride was going to take about 20-25 minutes. Everyone had a slight cold, so we thought all the kiddos would nap on the way to the mall. About halfway there, we heard Luke cough. We didn't think anything of it until an awful odor filled our minivan. That cough was not a cough. Rather, Luke had vomited all over himself, his carseat, the upholstery and the carpeting. His costume was ruined. We had nothing to clean the mess up aside from tissues and baby wipes.
Since Luke seemed unaffected by the incident, we decided not to disappoint everyone by turning back towards home. We figured we would just pick up something for Luke to wear when we got to the mall. (Yes, I was stupid and did not pack extra clothes for him in the diaper bag.) When we got to the mall, I ran in and found hundreds of costumes selling for 70% off, but nothing in his size. So I decided on buying him a plaid shirt and jeans rather then spending money on a costume he would only wear for two hours or so. Luckily his cowboy hat was vomit-free.
So that is how our skeleton turned into a cowboy.
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