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MomDot Party (Day 9): The Gift of All Gifts

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Today is the ninth day of the MomDot Christmas of Dreams Blog Party, which will be running through November 27th, 2008. The topic of the day is . . .

Most unusual gift you have received? Best gift? Do you re-gift?

The most unusual gift I have ever received for Christmas is something from a neighbor. There is an elderly couple who lives across from us. They always bake goodies to give to their neighbors every year. Well, one year they dropped by this loaf cake and on top they threw in some individually wrapped fortune cookies (the kind you get when you order take out). If you don't know, I am Chinese. I feel badly for blogging about this because I know she was just trying to be nice. I just found it very odd.

The best gift I have ever gotten was a trip to the Bahamas from my husband before we were married. He arranged for me to have time off from work and everything without my even suspecting a thing. That was about 12 years ago and it was the last real vacation we've had aside from a weekend in New Hampshire for our honeymoon.

I very rarely regift. I only regift if the item is a good fit for someone and the recipient is not even on the same radar as the person who gave it to me in the first place. Usually, if a gift given to me is not my taste, I probably would not give it as a gift either.

The Day Nine Blog Party Question is Brought to you by jaC Jewelry, Cutie Covers and Sassy Baby .

Note: I'm going to be alternating my posts between this blog and my other blog throughout the party. I will be sure to leave a link here for posts made on A Blog of Goodies and vice versa. Don't forget to check out my giveaways too!