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MomDot Party (Day 7): Who's Been Naughty?

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Today is the seventh day of the MomDot Christmas of Dreams Blog Party, which will be running through November 27th, 2008. The topic of the day is . . .

Who’s on your naughty list? Whose on your nice list? Why?


I don't think I have anyone on my naughty list. Even though my monkeys act like turkeys sometimes (especially the mischievous one pictured above), it is hard to be thinking that anyone does not deserve to have some cheer during the holidays.

Two people who are at the top of my nice list are my parents. They have selflessly helped our family through some tough times recently. They had nothing to gain by doing it either.

Another person on my nice list is my dear husband. He works so hard at job. Even though he's tired, he still helps a ton with the kiddos and the house when he gets home just so I don't lose my mind.

Day Five Blog Party Question is Brought to you by Sillymonkeez and My Baby Bump

Note: I'm going to be alternating my posts between this blog and my other blog throughout the party. I will be sure to leave a link here for posts made on A Blog of Goodies and vice versa. Don't forget to check out my giveaways too!