If you think about the companies that are considered the Top Ten Web Hosts in 2008, they all have different areas for which they are best suited. One is best for business, another is best for someone working within a small budget, and another is known for being most reliable. Years ago, there were not so many appealing options and there certainly was not a chart that neatly mapped it all out for us.
There are so many details to consider before you sign a contract with any host. Do they offer you a free domain name, and if so, for how long? Will they give you free advertising to help you launch your site? How long is your contract for and, when it runs out, will your monthly rate increase? Also remember that when your contract runs out, do not be afraid to consider switching hosts. It would be smart to keep up with what is new and upcoming in web hosting news. Something better may have come along and sometimes change is good.