We live in a 2 bedroom townhouse. When the market turns around, we will sell this house and buy a larger one. For now, the three kiddos share one enormous bedroom. The bedroom is where we moved all of our preschoolers 3+ toys so that we could keep the living room toddler-friendly. So when the twins moved out of their cribs into toddler beds, we put this play yard around their beds and created their own little room for them. This served two purposes. It kept them from getting to their big brother's toys and it kept their big brother from getting to them. It was the perfect arrangement.
Too bad it didn't last.
About a week or so ago, I heard this weird clanging come from the kids' room in the middle of the night. So I got out of bed to take a peak and I couldn't believe my eyes. The twins were not in the play yard. Instead, they were playing with Jake's die cast cars and his Chutes & Ladders game. One of them was on Jake's bed putting toys on and all around Jake who was still fast asleep. This kid can sleep through anything.
So for 3 very long nights, until we figured out what to do, I jumped at every sound I heard. I did catch them out of their little space several times. One night, it was once every 20 minutes for a few hours. My husband and I were pretty much losing our minds until we finally figured out that we could take our extra wide jointed gate from downstairs, which can reach up to 144", and create a new space in one of the corners of the bedroom.
It is working out great so far. They definitely cannot climb out because the gate is taller and made of metal, nylon, and mesh. Plus the old sleep space was right next to the bedroom door so I could not even walk to the bathroom without their hearing me and being able to see me in the middle of the night. I am very thankful that I no longer have to cross my legs until I know they are definitely asleep and then sprint to the bathroom as quickly and quietly as possible.
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