The seafood industry is very important to the livelihood of some very important people in my life. This is why I am spreading the word about this contest hosted by the 2008 Great American Seafood Cook Off. They are holding a drawing for a trip for two to New Orleans, which includes airfare, hotel accomodations, and of course some great food! To enter, just go to and click on the red banner at the top. Then you can take a look at the five tasty seafood dishes created by some great chefs competing in this cook off from various parts of the United States. When you have decided which dish would be the one you would most likely want to try, click on "Enter to Win" and just fill out the short form. Just submit the form and you are entered in a drawing to win a trip to New Orleans. The winner will be announced in mid-November of this year.
Do you want to know which dish I voted for? I voted for the "Louisiana Shrimp and Andouille Cassoulet" created by Chef Brian Landry of Louisiana. I think this dish is genius. I have never seen or even thought to put shrimp and sausage together in one dish. The taste of shrimp is so subtle and the taste of sausage is just the opposite. I would love to try this dish. What could be better than putting two of my favorite foods to eat together in one masterpiece?
Which dish would you vote for? If you do vote, come back and tell me which one you chose and why.