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Speaking of Shopping Around for a Web Hosting Service . . .
Just the other day, I was blogging about how difficult it was to shop around for the right web hosting service when my husband and I first launched Sillymonkeez.com. I also pointed out that there was an e-commerce hosting service that did not charge transaction fees and how I wish I had known about it way back when we were making that important business decision. Well since e-commerce has come such a long way, there are so many more choices out there besides the "big names." If I had to do it all again, I would use a web hosting rating service. How much easier it would have been for an impartial party to lay it all out in black and white for us . . . to have others make recommendations for small business owners just like themselves. It would have made my husband and I feel more secure about the decision we made regarding a web hosting company, rather than signing a contract with such a feeling of uncertainty.
