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The Answer to the Question "Why Do I Blog?"

(Please scroll down for Project Black #4)

It's Rebecca's blogoversary today! Visit her blog Ramblings by Reba to help her celebrate. Just make a post about why you blog, go sign Mr. Linky on Rebecca's giveaway post with your post URL, and you'll be entered in a random drawing for some cool prizes.

The main reason I blog is to remind myself of all the joys (big and small) these four people bring to my life daily. I use it as a form of therapy to help with my stress management.

Let me start from the beginning. A little over a year ago, I started exhibiting physical symptoms from stress and anxiety. I was having painful tightening in my ribs that got so bad that I could barely breathe. I had no idea what was causing it until I couldn't take it anymore one night and my dear husband took me to the emergency room. It turns out that the cause of these horrible pains was stress. The doctor gave me these tiny little pills that were suppose to make me feel better, but over the past year I have managed to only take three (not including the one they gave me at the ER). I didn't want to rely on pills to help me manage my stress.

The first thing I did after that was to join a mommies forum. This helped quite a bit. I found a place where other people actually understood the causes of my stress and where I could vent if I needed to. Several months later the pains returned though.

So in March of 2008, I started this blog. If you've visited me before, then you will have noticed that I do not blog about anything negative here. I blog at least once a day about something that makes me smile, whether it's a photo I have taken and am proud of or a story about something endearing that my children did that day. Once in a while, I sneak in a serious post or a plug to promote my monkey business, but mostly I blog about the positive things in my personal life.

Since I blog right before I go to bed and I always blog about something positive, I am able to end every single day on a positive note. The pains still surprise me now and again, but it is not as often as before and they are not as severe either. I am so relieved that my "blogtherapy" is working.

Thanks for taking the time to read this little bit about me! Happy Blogoversary, Rebecca!!!