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Thursday Thunks: Fame and Fortune

This week's Thursday Thunks question posed by Berleen is:

If you had to be famous, there's no other choice, would you rather be famous by choice (rock star, actor, reality show) or by chance/"instant celebrity" (winning the lottery, some type of news story, etc)?

Since I am a very private person, I would prefer to become famous by chance. If I won the lottery or became the focus of the media news, I would at least start off still being me. My lifestyle, my values, etc . . . probably would not be affected as deeply as if I lived in the world of rocks stars or film/tv actors. I would never agree to be part of a reality show by the way. That just goes along with my preference for privacy.

Thanks for the great question, Berleen! Visit Berleen's blog to play or read what others have to say.