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I swear, like many other moms, that I could probably write a book about the things I have learned since becoming a mother. Here are just a few (in random order) . . .
~ Always be prepared for the unexpected (i.e. vomitting, a poop shoot (when poop shoots out the waist of the diaper and up the baby's back), tripping, spilling, etc . . . ) If you are always prepared then you will remain calmer when things like that occur.
~ Get a large memory card for your digital camera. You can expect to get one great shot for every twenty you snap. If you get more than that, then it's a bonus!
~ Your children will never stop surprising you. You will constantly be over-estimating and under-estimating them even if you make a conscious effort not to.
~ You will have to make sacrifices to spend more quality time with your children. This means ordering take out sometimes, leaving the dishes for later, letting the clean laundry sit in a basket for an extra day, etc . . . It is important to create happy memories for your children when you can because once those opportunities pass, they are gone for good.
~ You might as well accept that you are not going to get as much sleep as you use to. You will find yourself sacrificing sleep for "me time." That could include getting chores done, giving time to your WAHM business, playing online games, watching a movie with your significant other, posting on forums, having some adult conversation, etc . . .
~ Lastly, your life will never be the same after becoming a mother. I cannot even remember what it feels like to not have a child to care for and love.
Thanks for taking the time to read my list.