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Keeping Busy (Day 7 of 10)

Today is the 7th day after my radioactive iodine treatment. That means tomorrow, when I wake up, I can open my bedroom door and leave it open. My husband and my dogs and cats can come visit me as long as I don't have them near the base of my neck. You have no idea how excited I am.

Today I finished my new "living green" line of organic t-shirts and reusable tote bags. It was so much fun to design compared to the personalized birthday line I just finished. Here is a small sample . . .

"Eco-Friendly Monkey Tote"

"Living Green Monkey Organic T-Shirt"

"Silly Monkey Toys Reusable Tote"

I must have been on a roll today because this evening I revamped some of our previously popular wedding designs and added some new ones. The whole line is coordinated. Hopefully, I can add them to my store tomorrow. It is so unusual for me to have so much uninterrupted time, I am trying to take advantage of it as much as I can.

Oh, and I said that I would let you all know how I liked my new Nancy Drew pc game. I thought it was interesting. I'm not addicted yet by any means. I think it will take me a while to finish it. I will probably write a review about it when I finish it (or if I decide I do not wish to finish it).

Thanks for visiting with me!