Today is day 6 of my period of isolation after my radioactive iodine treatment. That means on Tuesday, I will be able to leave my bedroom door open. My husband and pets can come visit me, but still not my children just yet.
This morning, as I was visiting the participants of the photo meme Weekly Winners, I stumbled upon a banner for a blog party called MommyFest 2008. The party was kicked off today, but officially runs from May 12th through the 16th. It looks like it's going to be hopping with tons of participants and lots of games and giveaways. You can even find little mini blog parties here and there too. I am so excited to have played a fun game on Itiel's blog "Mmmm, you Smell Good!" YAY for me!!!
I swore I was not going to do any work today, but I did play around with some new designs about living green. Not quite sure if I'm ready to unveil them yet though.
I forgot to mention yesterday that I started into the stack of DVDs on my desk. Yesterday I watched Rush Hour 3 and this evening I watched Pirates of the Carribean 2. Both seemed good, but I will have to watch them again. That's what I get for trying to do work at the same time.
I finally loaded this game onto my laptop which I had bought for myself before I had underwent the treatment. I'm not really the first person shooter type, so this game looked interesting to me. I had never played any of the games in the Nancy Drew series before, but this one seemed to receive high ratings. Maybe I will dabble a little before I ultimately turn in for the night?

Thank you once again for visiting me and keeping me company!