The rest of the day was pretty productive. Since I had all this uninterrupted time, I spent the whole second half of the day (from lunchtime until now) working on a huge project for Sillymonkeez.com that has been hanging over my head for months now. I am working on a section of birthday shirts, onesies, bibs, teddy bears, etc . . . for children with names on them. They are an extension of our signature Silly Little Monkey line. I will still take custom orders, but in a society that likes drive-thru service, I wanted to include as many names as possible for "quick" sales. Today, I was able to finish the few remaining graphics and then I uploaded the hundreds of graphics into my Cafe Press media basket. I'm not sure if I will be able to finish setting up the entire section in my store tomorrow, but I am sure going to try. I want it over and done with so I can move onto some more fun and creative ideas I have for new products.
At this time, I need to get away from the computer. My eyes are going to start giving me the silent treatment if I don't give them a break. Thanks for taking the time to read about my day!!