This is day one of my time of isolation after my radioactive iodine treatment. I will make a post at the end of each of the ten days to document my experience. Hopefully, by day ten, I will still be sane.
Here I am this morning, trying to get in one last big hug before my husband dropped me off at the hospital on the way to bringing Jake to school.

This is what I looked like after we got home from the hospital. Remember this. By the end of the 10 days, I will likely not look as together as this. Plus I will probably be ten pounds heavier from eating my stash of junk food and not having to chase after the kids for so many days. Since I had the camera and nobody was looking, I tried to take some self-portraits.

I spent hours trying to get the video messaging to work. My attempt to set up Comcast Messaging was a huge failure. We ended up going with SightSpeed that came with my webcam. It took me forever to realize that the software was not a current version and that was the reason why I could not get any audio from the other end. I was so happy that we were finally able to get it to work. I think it will really help me to be able to see and talk to my children.

My husband had to take the twins along to Jake's taekwon do class. His instructor surprised him with a black stripe. Now he has one yellow and one black. If I'm not mistaken, I believe he only needs one more black stripe to be ready to test for his yellow belt. I'm so proud!! He doesn't know it, but I have a belt rack with his name engraved in it waiting for him to retire his white belt.
My husband took these pictures for me to cheer me up and it worked!! There were so many, but these are my favorite because Jake is showing off his moves and being his silly self too.

(Oh, I almost forgot! I changed the photo at the bottom of the main page.)