Today, I sent my 4yr old son upstairs to have a time out. His behavior just flipped the switch that set off a mental meltdown that had been building from the usual stresses in my life . . . health problems, money issues, etc . . . So Jake was upstairs crying and I was downstairs doing the same.
After I calmed down a bit, I went upstairs to talk to him about what he had done and why it upset me. When I got up there, he looked shocked because he could tell that I had been crying. That is something he rarely sees. I started off by asking him why he was crying. His answer was that he was crying because he was doing things that he was not suppose to be doing. Then I asked him why he thought I was crying. To this he answered, "Because you missed me?" I was taken aback by that answer and realized that, even though he was only up there for ten minutes or so, it must have felt like much longer to him. Although I was still quite angry at him, I found his answer to be so endearing. If he were a few years older, I would have thought he was being sarcastic, but he was actually being very sincere.
Thanks for taking the time to read about this small part of my day!