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Join Me for the #FamilyMobile #MaxYourTax Twitter Party plus $1200 in Prizes on Monday (3/10) at 8pm EST! #shop #cbias

Walmart #FamilyMobile #MaxYourTax Twitter Party - March 10th at 8pm EST
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It’s tax season and that has a lot of us considering how to spend our refunds. Perhaps it’s time to tech yourself with a shiny new smartphone? Maybe it’s the perfect time to invest your refund into a new mobile plan with unlimited talk, text and data/web to save all year. Join us as we chat about the lowest priced unlimited plans and how you can save more monthly without getting locked into a contract. Which new smartphone would you “tech yourself” with from all those savings?

I've had the chance to try the Walmart #FamilyMobile plan for myself and I have two pieces of advice . . . First, don't let the concept of a cheap wireless plan fool you!  The top wireless phones are available with this plan, including the Samsung Galaxy S4 (not the Nokia phone pictured) being given away as the Grand Prize on Monday!  Second, take the time to find out how much money you can save on your monthly wireless bill to learn how you can #MaxYourTax refund and still treat yourself to a new phone.

Join Me at the #FamilyMobile #MaxYourTax Twitter Party on SoFabChats!

DATE: March 10, 2014

TIME: 8:00 – 9:00pm ET

PRIZES: 5 – $100 Walmart Gift Cards

GRAND PRIZE: Galaxy S4 Prize Pack (ARV $654)

EARLY BIRD: 1 – $50 Walmart Gift Card

RSVP: #FamilyMobile #MaxYourTax

LOCATION: SoFabChats Tweet Grid

HOST: @SweepTight

CO HOSTS: @dodomesticdad, @_Karen, @mausekindmom

PARTY RULES: #FamilyMobile #MaxYourTax Official Rules

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RSVP for #FamilyMobile #MaxYourTax Twitter Party 3/10 8pm ET. "Tech" yourself! BIG Prizes! Rules #shop

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