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Meet Brandi Morgan . . . a.k.a. "The Creative Princess" #CBias

In addition to spending time with my family, giving is the main source of joy for me during the Holidays.  My family has donated many toys to Toys For Tots and have taken part in adopting a less fortunate family, but now I would like to give a virtual gift to fellow-blogger Brandi Morgan.

For those who don't know, Brandi authors the blog The Creative Princess.  Not only is she talented in the areas of DIY crafts and cooking, Brandi also is a well-known couponer, an art I will likely never master.  In fact, Kristy of Mommy Hates Cooking informed me that Brandi "is an amazing woman of savings and has worked and volunteered for for many years providing matchup and savings tips for those in her local community."

My gift to Brandi is to share my awesome readers with her!  Please help me with this gift by doing at least one of the following . . . 

Thank you so much for your help in making this virtual gift a success!  To see more participants in this virtual gift exchange, visit the links below.