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Holiday Gift Idea: Time For Kids Book . . . "That's Strange, But True! The World's Most Astonishing Facts & Records"

Time For Kids: That's Strange, But True! is a really cool book.  The book contains facts of strange jobs and strange records about new things that were invented.  This book has 14 different chapters.  I highly recommend Chapter 5, "Strange, But True Jobs."  I also think this book is cool because of the really neat color photos.

Here are some of my favorite parts of the book . . . 

The photo below contains the boat car called the Python.  It can travel up to 60mph in water.  I like this page because I really like cars.

My favorite robot on this page is the soccer robot, who is the robot all the way to the right.  I like it because I used to play soccer and I really like the sport.  The robot plays at the RoboCup Championships every year.

The other robot I like is the one that goes along telephone wires and repairs them.  I like it because now nobody has to get shocked while touching the wires.

I like page 91 because I think it's really cool.  I think it's cool because it looks really weird.  It looks weird because it takes normal objects and mixes them together with creatures in a confusing house of stairs.

I love this page because there's a really neat battle drone on the upper right.  I like the battle drone because it looks cool and looks like it's made of bronze and gold.  The battle drone is actually a piece of art from the 19th century.  This robot is motionless and doesn't do anything.

I think this book is good for ages 7 and up.  I also think it would make a great Christmas present.  I would love to read and review more books from this series.

That's Strange, But True!:  The World's Most Astonishing Facts and Records by Time For Kids retails for $19.99 and can be purchased at most major book retailers, like and Barnes & Noble.

Thank you to Time For Kids for providing a complimentary product sample for us to base this review upon.