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Review: Super Soaker "Soaker Wars Bottle Blitz" Water Gun

We've only had a handful of summery days here in Massachusetts so far this year. I am not complaining. I prefer autumn myself. One day, the temperature hit 95 degrees and I knew the only relief we would get was to pull out the water table and water guns. Pretty soon, the whole family forgot about the heat and humidity.

We had two Super Soakers. It was certainly tough to hold my own against these Soaker Wars Bottle Blitz guns while armed with just a tiny little water pistol. Even when I had two pistols, I just could not get the distance that these Super Soakers offered my two sons. Good thing I have better aim.

Even though this toy is recommended for 6yrs and up, our 3-1/2yr old son was able to use it with no problems while supervised. He did need help reloading, which is done by unscrewing the bottle at the back of the water gun to refill it with water. The trigger is very user-friendly. You need only pump the tip of the gun to make the water squirt out. To me, this is much easier than using a finger trigger.

The water does shoot out in a steady stream for several feet. Because it uses so much water so quickly, we needed to refill the bottle quite often. I think that for a toy that is meant for children 6 years and older, the water bottle could be a little bigger. Of course, if it was larger, then it would most likely be too heavy for a younger child to carry easily when the water bottle is full.

The Super Soaker: Soaker Wars Bottle Blitz water gun comes in red and blue, so you can easily identify two teams. This particular Super Soaker retails for $7.99 each. You can shop the current line of Super Soaker water guns at and at other major toy retailers, such as Toys R Us, Target, and .

Thank you to Hasbro for sending us two sample Super Soakers free of charge to base this review upon.