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The Most Surprising Gift I've Ever Received

Target and Twitter Moms have posed the question, "What was the most surprising gift you've ever received? Well, I did not have to think too hard to answer this question. It was a gift I received for my birthday from my husband, whom I had been dating for approximately one year at the time. It was such a huge surprise because it was something that would never have crossed my mind for me to even get for myself.

About 13 years ago, Todd surprised me with a trip to the Bahamas for my birthday. We lived together at the time, so it was pretty amazing that he could make all the plans and even arranged time off from work for me without my suspecting a thing.

This was a cherished gift, more than I even realized at the time. That trip to the Bahamas was the only real vacation we've ever taken aside from a weekend away in New Hampshire for our honeymoon. It was also the last carefree thing we did. Since then we began focusing on saving for our wedding, concentrating on starting and raising a family, and then on purchasing our first home. Perhaps we'll have the chance to revisit that vacation spot again someday . . . when all three children have finished graduate school and have moved out of the nest permanently. The oldest is in kindergarten now, so we have a bit of a wait.

If you'd like to play along, visit Twitter Moms to find out how you can enter to win one of ten $100 Target gift cards. Hurry, this contest closes on December 27th, 2009.