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Two Twitter Parties and You're Invited! (7/30 & 8/2)

There are two awesome Twitter parties taking place within a few days of each other! One is hosted by the Great American Bake Sale, who raises funds to feed hungry children in the United States. The second one will be hosted by Louise of Momstart on behalf of TJ Maxx and Marshalls to kick off the "Get Cool For School" Giveaway Event.

Here are the details:

Time: 9-11pm EST
Date: July 30th, 2009
Topics: All things foodie and food blogging
Prizes: Flip video cameras, 1800flowers GCs and more
Hashtag: #SOSFood



Time: 7-9pm EST
Date: August 2nd, 2009
Topics: Back-to-School shopping and mom bloggers
Prizes: GCs to TJ Maxx & Marshalls (one of which is $250)
Hashtag: #MaxxMarshallsB2S